Saturday 23 March 2019

Press release - Slight change of name and full launch for Website Watchman

Press release
Mon 25 Mar 2019


Watchman from PeacockMedia is now fully released and it's now called Website Watchman. The original name clashed with another project, but Website Watchman better sums up the app.

It'll be useful to anyone with a mac and a website. It does a very impressive trick. As it scans a website and checks all of the files that make up a page; html, js, css, images linked documents. It archives any changes. So the webarchive that it builds is four-dimensional. You can browse the pages, and then browse the versions of that page back through time. You view a 'living' version of the page, not just a snapshot.

As the name suggests, you can watch a single page, part of a website or a whole website, or even part of a page, using various filters including a regex, and be alerted to changes.

Thank you for your attention and any exposure that you can give Website Watchman.


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